Canon Powershot SX100 IS - review

Canon Powershot SX100 IS - review
Canon Powershot SX100 IS - review

The Canon Powershot SX100 IS is a great camera for non-professionals.

I will say right off the bat that I am not a professional. I have been using this camera for a few years now. During this time, it has never once let me down. It's convenient to have it with you because of its small size. It is not a DSLR, of course, but I am satisfied with the quality of photos. It has several capture modes. I even tried to use them to do something more artistic than shooting everything in auto mode. It turns out Smile The menu is clear. By the way, the automatic mode is great, in my opinion. Even better that it shoots immediately when you press the button, rather than thinking like some others. The only thing I do not like about it, it batteries. Charging takes a long time, so you have to buy two pairs, or they will run out at the right time, and the indicator shows only when the batteries have a couple of shots to live. But this doesn't stop me from actively using the camera for a year now. The Canon PowerShot SX100 is a compact digital SLR camera with a 12.1 megapixel CMOS sensor and built-in Wi-Fi. The camera weighs less than half a pound and can be taken with you on your next adventure. The Canon Powershot Sx100 IS is a digital compact camera that was released by Canon in 2002. It is the first camera made by Canon to be named after a professional sports car. Specifications

Canon Powershot SX100 IS - это современная компактная фотокамера, оснащенная ЖК-дисплеем и объективом с переменным фокусным расстоянием и оптическим стабилизатором изображения. Она легко поместится в небольшой сумке и позволит всегда иметь ее под рукой. Камера Canon Powershot. Фотоаппарат Canon PowerShot SX100 IS Black. Цифровой фотоаппарат Canon PowerShot G1 X Mark II может использоваться даже в сложных условиях. Он выдерживает погружение на глубину до 15 метров, а также устойчив к воздействию пыли и влаги.