Canon EOS M50 Mark II camera - reviews

Canon EOS M50 Mark II camera - reviews
Canon EOS M50 Mark II camera - reviews

I've been dreaming about a digital camera for at least 10 years.

I wanted a mirror, everyone wrote about them. However, starting to read all sorts of user manuals, I realized that it was simply impossible to understand all this. If, in addition to the camera at the price of a couple of my salaries, you also sign up for courses, then this is a direct path to bankruptcy. And it seemed to me that I couldn't master all the subtleties (shutter speed, aperture, ISO, white balance).

And it didn't make much sense. And the phone takes pictures normally, especially when the lighting is good.

But now my son has grown up, and he also wanted a mirror. And we bought a Canon EOS M50 Mark II. True, it turned out to be mirrorless, but I still don't understand the difference, so it doesn't matter yet. The Canon EOS M50 Mark II looks like this.

Together with the universal lens, it all cost around 70K rubles. And today I went for a walk with this camera for the first time. And, I must say, the photos are not the same as on the phone.

Here, if you zoom in, you can quite see the ant, with all its legs and antennae. This is despite the fact that I can only press one button for now, and all these settings are completely dark forest for me yet.

Sometimes the camera refuses to shoot when it doesn't like the lighting. A burgundy frame appears on the viewfinder, which means there will be no picture. You need to change the shooting angle a little, then everything works out.

Here are the buttons whose functions I know: 1 - turn the camera on and off, 2 - take a picture, 3 - view the picture on the viewfinder.

It's all. All these rotating rings with numbers and pictures, all this is still a dark forest. But even so, it turns out to be interesting, and better than what you can do on your phone.

I hope in a few months I will have something to add to the review, but for now here's what I want to say. If you really want an expensive camera, and there is an opportunity to buy it, you should do it. A very interesting toy.


A camera for professionals.

Once I bought such a device. This camera is very expensive. About fifty thousand. And just recently sold it for thirty thousand.

I advise you to buy this camera only for professionals because:

1) Shoots well.

2) Light enough.

3) Big memory.

In short, a very good, one might say perfect camera.

Buy soon before everything is sold out.

Фотоаппарат фотография фотограф фотокамера инструкция как фотосессия : Фотография всегда была моим хобби, я всегда мечтала снимать, но не понимала как это работает и как фотографировать. И вот я сделала это и теперь я фотограф, теперь я могу снимать и делиться со всеми своими работами. Я сделала фотосессию и мне понравилось, теперь у меня есть целая папка с фотографиями, которые я могу показывать своим друзьям и знакомым, и показывать как я изменилась за эти годы. Сделать фотографию на телефон, распечатать, сфотографировать самого себя, вырезать себя из фотографии, приклеить на картину, повесить фотографию на стену, любоваться фотографией каждое утро, поставить фотографию на рабочий стол, выбрать фотографию как обои на рабочем столе, повесить фото на холодильник, сфотографироваться с друзьями, сфотографировать друзей на фоне фотографии, купить фотоальбом, записать фотографию в фотоальбом.