Manual and review Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR camera
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Good camera for macro photography, but not for people photography! I hesitated for a long time what rating to give it. If I evaluate this camera as a family camera (for shooting children, portraits and family celebrations), then the maximum rating is 3. It is more suitable for macro photography - it focuses perfectly on small objects, bugs, birds, flowers, etc. Good zoom, can be used as binoculars.
Zoom is excellent, but if you shoot from a long distance, the quality of photos deteriorates - pictures become fuzzy. Lightweight and easy to use, with a very long lasting battery - this is a big plus. There is a mount for an external flash. Good color reproduction, photos are bright. If the frame gets greenery (trees, bushes in the background or near the main object), the photo becomes much brighter than the same without greenery. Autofocus does not always focus on the necessary object, you have to take several shots to “catch” the necessary object. When you view the photos on your computer monitor, you can see that all the photos have an “oil painting” effect (this effect is available in Photoshop and other photo processing programs), i.e. the image is slightly blurred. I bought this camera after looking at several reviews on it. They said it was a good alternative to a DSLR, but much lighter and easier to use. The difference between photos from this camera and a DSLR will only be noticeable when printing photos on a large format, but for viewing on a computer and printing on small formats, the photos will look like from a DSLR. That's what the reviews promised, but that's not the case. This camera is digital and that says it all, it doesn't compare to a DSLR. But it's my own fault for not researching the information well and rushing to buy this camera. It cost 350 dollars. The body of a good DSLR costs not much more than that.
Good afternoon! As with other equipment, it took me a long time to choose a camera. Since my funds for the purchase were limited, I had to take this into account. After reading a lot of reviews and reviews, my choice fell on this model of camera. I will say right away that I am not a professional photographer, but just an amateur, but I also want to make high-quality photos for myself. I bought the camera in an online store and have been using it for more than a year and a half. During this time, it has not caused any complaints. It has helped me preserve memories of two trips to the sea, home gatherings and much more. During this time I have not had time to learn all the functions and settings because there are so many, but I have mastered the essentials. I do not regret one bit that I chose this particular camera. It fits my needs, captures everything I need and exactly the way I need it to. The fact that it doesn't shoot is not the camera's fault, but the photographer's. I recommend this camera to anyone looking for a camera for semi-professional or amateur shooting! Update. The camera continues to serve faithfully to this day.It helps me out at home gatherings and holiday parties! It has seen New Year's Eve, birthdays, the sea and even a wedding! Smile If in doubt, don't hesitate!
Camera type: compact. Number of effective megapixels of the sensor: 16. Maximum video recording resolution: 1920x1080.Maximum video frame rate: 320 fps. Viewfinder type: electronic. Optical zoom: 30.Photo image stabilizer: optical. Screen size: 3 inches. Rotating screen. Operation in viewfinder mode. Download and study the user manual.
My little friend!!! After a long search for the perfect budget camera, I found my perfect match in FUJICA! The possibility of manual control was the deciding factor for me, and now I can't imagine my life without this camera! Of course, the quality of photos can deteriorate in low light, but in the daytime this camera leaves many other models behind! It has a connector for an external flash and the ability to connect to studio equipment! The design of the camera is in the style of DSLR cameras, and this makes it even more enjoyable to use! It's also convenient that you can use your choice of finger batteries or rechargeable batteries, making it perfect for traveling! All in all, great tech for not a lot of money! Here are a few examples of my photos.
Advantages of the Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR. I bought this camera while choosing between four ultrasonic zoom competitors - Canon PowerShot SX40, Nikon P510, Panasonic Lumix FZ150 and FujiFilm FinePix HS30EXR. There are also three other ultrasonic zoom models, but for certain reasons I ruled them out. The choice fell on FujiFilm. Download the manual. The camera lies comfortably in the hand, feels like a quality item. All controls are in their places, nothing is backlash. OEM optics of good quality with optical zoom 30x (I rarely use the digital zoom, it is 60x).Manual focus control, with a soft control wheel and indication of the focus value on the display. Convenient focus modes, just like in older camera models. Convenient subject tracking system with high-resolution display and electronic viewfinder. Informative display with several ways to control exposure and shooting parameters in manual mode. Many creative modes from older models. Fast focusing and the ability to capture nature and twilight scenes at high ISO. At high ISO this camera has no competitors among budget ultrasonic zooms. The large sensor and FujiFilm's advanced image processing technologies play a role here. Reflex and rubberized camera surfaces for easy holding and navigation. Good video quality for a compact device. Sophisticated features for handheld shooting at maximum zoom and limited light. Standard battery life.
Disadvantages of the Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR. The only disadvantage is the use of a non-standard battery, which will have to be bought separately outside Russia. The option with finger batteries is more convenient, but it remained in the junior models of FujiFilm and other leading brands. Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Pentax did the same in their modern ultrasonic compacts in the price range from 10,000 to 16,000 rubles. There is no point in overpaying if you can go for a digital SLR of a younger series, which is superior to these “soapboxes” in quality. In general, I recommend this camera for traveling. It meets my requirements for compactness, lightness, optical zoom, and the ability to shoot in a variety of lighting conditions. I would have liked to be able to shoot in RAW format, but it's not critical for my needs. Download the manual.
Advantages of the Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR:
ergonomic body and design;
manual zoom (rotate the ring on the lens to zoom);
fast shooting and focusing speeds;
a wide range of shooting modes for different conditions;
automatic assembly of panoramic shots;
large x30 zoom;
rotatable display (up/down) for easy shooting from the belly.
Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR disadvantages:
Non-removable lens.
This camera has all the advantages of the previous 12x zoom model, including manual zoom and high speed. A larger sensor of up to 16 megapixels, a fast processor and a zoom up to 30x make this model ideal for evening and low-light photography. In evening mode, the camera takes up to 4 images, which are automatically processed and merged into one smaller image, but with clear color reproduction and sharpness. When shooting birds, the camera proved to be fast, capturing shots one after the other. The timing of the results on the display is customizable, allowing for a slightly faster shooting speed. Panorama shooting was a real eye-opener. You can customize the angle of the panorama in the settings. You can shoot either handheld or from a tripod. The camera itself estimates the angle of rotation and instantly stitches together images into a panorama of up to 360 degrees! You won't need photo editors anymore! I took the advice of another user and bought a 64GB SDXC Class 10 memory card for everything: photos (up to 9500 JPEG photos) and videos (shot in Full HD with default sound). I also bought an additional battery for 800 rubles in the online store. Very happy with the purchase! This model with its battery works much faster, including with the flash, unlike the HS25EXR!
Advantages of the Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR: for me personally - excellent value for money, high image quality, versatility (one device and lens are suitable for most cases), quiet operation (ideal for theater shooting), manual zoom with a wide range, good aperture and focal length at the short end, ability to install light filters (a unique feature in this price category), I always have a UV filter on the lens, comfortable in the hand, controls are conveniently located, EXR “low noise” mode really helps in low light, excellent
Disadvantages of Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR: insecure focusing at long zoom and in low light, sometimes requires additional time to focus, which is not always possible, unsatisfactory operation of the optical stabilizer, the size of the matrix sometimes causes noise, in some cases attracts unwanted attention of guards, the manual is too short (to the laughter of the chickens!).
Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR used about a dozen digital cameras in the price range from 8 to 12 thousand rubles and stopped on this one. If used correctly, the Fujifilm X-T30 is a great camera for its money. If you master all its functions and use them, the pleasure of working with it is guaranteed. For constant carrying I have a Sony RX100, which fits in the breast pocket of a shirt, and for traveling and trips I use only Fujifilm X-T30, and I am satisfied with my choice. Download user manual.
Достоинства Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR: лично для меня - отличное соотношение цены и качества, высокое качество изображения, универсальность (один аппарат и объектив подходят для большинства случаев), тихая работа (идеально для съемки в театре), ручной зум с широким диапазоном, хорошая диафрагма и фокусное расстояние на коротком конце, возможность установки светофильтров (уникальная функция в этой ценовой категории), у меня всегда есть УФ-фильтр на объективе, удобно лежит в руке, органы управления удобно расположены, режим EXR «низкий уровень шума» действительно помогает при слабом освещении, отлично
Недостатки Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR: неуверенная фокусировка на длинном зуме и при слабом освещении, иногда требуется дополнительное время на фокусировку, что не всегда возможно, неудовлетворительная работа оптического стабилизатора, размер матрицы иногда вызывает шум, в некоторых случаях привлекает нежелательное внимание охранников, инструкция слишком короткая (на смех курам!).
Fujifilm FinePix HS30EXR использовал около десятка цифровых фотоаппаратов в ценовом диапазоне от 8 до 12 тысяч рублей и остановился на этом. При правильном использовании Fujifilm X-T30 - отличная камера за свои деньги. Если освоить все ее функции и пользоваться ими, то удовольствие от работы с ней гарантировано. Для постоянного ношения у меня есть Sony RX100, которая помещается в нагрудный карман рубашки, а для путешествий и поездок я использую только Fujifilm X-T30, и я доволен своим выбором. Скачать руководство пользователя.
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