Как правильно отдохнуть в лесу в выходные / How to relax in the forest on the weekend

Как правильно отдохнуть после рабочей недели

Отдых в выходные дни весьма важен для полноценного восстановления после рабочей недели. Именно по этой причине стоит серьезно отнестись к выбору места и формата проведения этого важного мероприятия. В нашем случае было выбрано очень даже подходящее место - лес на окраине города, а для придания особой ценности столь кратковременного отдыха было решено испечь блинчики прямо на костре. Уверяю вас, блинчики получились отменные, ведь аромат лесного костра сделал своё благотворное дело.

Вкусный рецепт блинчиков. У каждой хозяйки есть свой оригинальный рецепт блинчиков. Особенно привлекательны украинские рецепты, ведь именно на Украине по каждому случаю пекут блины. Существуют множество рецептов приготовления блинчиков, в которых обязательным является молоко, сахар, соль, яйца, масло и мука, которая может быть совершенно разная, именно от этого зависит вкус блинчиков. Ах да, существенное значение имеет начинка. Скорее всего, мало кто отказался бы побаловать себя блинами с медом, яблоками, сыром, сгущенным молоком и грибами. Опыт показал, что лучше всего блины получаются из пшеничной муки. Но для получения рыхлых блинчиков можно использовать гречневую или овсяную муку. Чтобы не было комочков рекомендуется муку добавлять малыми порциями, причем, постоянно при этом помешивая. А для получения нежных блинов муку следует просеять 2–3 раза. Так же не стоит забывать, что вода имеет значение для получения тонких блинчиков, но блины на молоке получаются вкуснее!


How to relax in the forest on the weekend

Weekend rest is very important for a full recovery after a working week. It is for this reason that it is worth taking seriously the choice of the venue and format of this important event. In our case, a very suitable place was chosen - a forest on the outskirts of the city, and to add special value to such a short-term rest, it was decided to bake pancakes right on the campfire. I assure you, the pancakes turned out excellent, because the aroma of the forest fire did its beneficial work.

Delicious pancake recipe. Each hostess has her own original recipe for pancakes. Ukrainian recipes are especially attractive, because it is in Ukraine that pancakes are baked for every occasion. There are many recipes for making pancakes, in which milk, sugar, salt, eggs, butter and flour are mandatory, which can be completely different, the taste of pancakes depends on this. Oh, yes, the filling is essential. Most likely, few people would refuse to treat themselves to pancakes with honey, apples, cheese, condensed milk and mushrooms. Experience has shown that pancakes are best made from wheat flour. But to get loose pancakes, you can use buckwheat or oat flour. In order to avoid lumps, it is recommended to add flour in small portions, and, stirring constantly at the same time. And to get tender pancakes, the flour should be sifted 2-3 times. Also, do not forget that water is important for getting thin pancakes, but pancakes with milk are tastier!

There are a lot of stories about how people were mistaken in the forests, being alone with wildlife for a long time. They had to survive in very difficult conditions. But, if it is not so difficult to find food and lodging in the summer, then in winter the task becomes thousands of times more complicated. The main thing is not to despair and figure out how to warm up and get out to civilization.

How to survive in winter in the forest for a long time. The situation when a person finds himself without the minimum necessary means for survival in the winter forest does not happen often.

Here are the main reasons:

He got lost or strayed from the group;

Lost the tourist equipment during the hike;

His car or snowmobile broke down;

An unfavorable combination of circumstances during the hunt.

In any case, it will not be easy for a lost person.

What should his actions be in order to survive:

From the first moment of realizing that you are not guided by the terrain, you need to stop;

It is important not to panic, but to use a compass or a map, if available;

If there is no compass at hand, then you need to stop moving and find the north;

Observe on which side of the tree trunks the bark is darker — this will be the pointer of the northern direction;

Moving through the snow—covered forest is difficult, so as not to climb into the thicket, stick to the river flow, if there is one, if not, move through the least dense areas of the forest;

Choose for yourself large landmarks every 100m day and night — silhouettes of large trees, large stones, clearings.